
The action of the legs

"How should the legs be positioned?"
"Should we ride with a lot of leg actions?"
"How should the legs be used?"

We received many emails after we posted the Note on "Waking up the lethargic horse", so this brings me define the role of the legs.

What is the purpose of the rider's legs: hold the horse, put him forward, give different signals…?
How do the legs exercise their influence…?

The legs balance the rider, they frame, make requests or reassure the horse. So there are multiple ways to act with your legs at different moments

The first rule to be efficient is to have your legs positioned perfectly:

Your legs should be loose, hanging vertically and naturally, never sticking to the horse's sides or constantly squeezing.
Your thighs should be aligned with your upper body (the angle between your upper body and your thighs should be as open as possible).
Your knees should not be squeezed and be slightly open, and the back of your knee should be in gentle contact with your horse. Your legs (calves) are loose and soft.
Your ankles are supple, your heals are never stuck up or down, but free.
Your feet are parallel to the horse's body, simply resting, at the first third of the foot and by their own weight, on the stirrups.

Improve your whole posture… Shoulders / Seat bones / heals on the same line.
Your legs will be in the right place.

Should we keep our legs squeezed? NO! Stability on horseback does not depend on strength, but on the general equilibrium of a rider and on the balancing action of the counterweight created by lowered, relaxed and never legs; legs that stay in soft contact with the horse but never stay squeezed.
To squeeze the legs continuously, or to use strong legs constantly only gets the rider discouraged or tired, and does not create forwardness. It only wears the horse out, turns him off.
Timely, quick and relaxed actions, where the leg tactfully touches the horse and moves back to it's place right away, are efficient, thrifty and discreet.

1) Leg actions to create impulsion

If you want to put your horse to sleep and exhaust yourself, squeeze your legs. If you want a brilliant, active and relaxed horse, let go of your legs, forget your muscles and stay active, attentive and relaxed.
Your legs alone do not really make your horse go.

Impulsion is a state of mind of the horse.

The legs indicate what you want, and stay relaxed. Don't ever press your legs against the horse, act sporadically: touch… let go… touch… Have limp legs, with no muscles. "More legs! More legs! Give more legs!"… NO!…! Limp, attentive and reactive legs legs… YES!…

2) Leg actions to lead the horse

The inside leg indicates the bend by touching at the girth. The outside leg controls the haunches, it can stop the haunches from escaping or chase them away from the leg by touching behind the girth (I.e. Half-pass)

3. Leg actions to ask for a specific exercise I.e., to ask for a canter depart, to piaffe, to back up… etc… The principle is always the same. Establish a code with your horse and respect it: that's how you'll teach your horse to canter from and inside or outside leg cue.
The purpose of a leg action is to solicit the haunches, one side or both sides…

4) Leg actions to frame and reassure the horse

The legs form a barrier on each side of the horse that might not be breached, a sort of frame. Beware, the leg is not rigid and stays relaxed!
When a horse hesitates about where to go, the legs reassure by framing him. This is particularly true for a young horse.

When should legs take action? Effectiveness depends widely on timeliness of action. Used too early, legs bother the horse, and too late, they are useless…. Above all, legs must stop all action when the horse complies.
Touch your horse with your calf, heel or spur with electric, light and fast touches, like the way a guitar is strum, and then immediately move the leg "away".
Once the result is obtained, a "descente de jambes" (leg lowering, "descent") is done. The legs cease all actions and neither posture, impulsion, gait or movement are altered.

The legs will do something again when there is a risk of change in gait, or a new movement to request.

next themes

Posture-position / Walk / Trot / Canter / Shoulder-in / half-pass / Flying change of lead / Pirouette /

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